SCAE Plaque for La Crema Kaffe!

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La Crema Kaffe has received a handmade mahogany plaque directly from The Specialty Coffee Association of Europe! It makes us feel so inspired and our passion for quality coffee only increases.

We are so excited and happy to know that every day we take one more step forward.

Behind the scenes, we have been training in Sensory Skills with Alf Kramer and now we are getting ready for an Intermediate SCAE Roasting course with the CoffeeXperts in the Netherlands! 🙂 A lot of training and exams coming. We are so thrilled!

Expect some beautiful landmark pictures soon… 😉

PS: Orders made on and from December 9th up to January 5th (this last, to be confirmed) will be processed in January.

Stay tuned!

With love and passion,

La Crema Kaffe in Norway

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